Today's C&C is a hearty veggie curry.
As curries go, my Dad's are the best. He makes them "Mozambique style" and they were a famous feature in dinner parties or on our Sunday lunch. He makes prawn curry, chicken curry, squid curry, but my favourite is with fresh crab! Crab curry was always the messiest to eat but oh such fun!
My curry is a little more humble in it's main ingredients, but nevertheless, a very tasty one (I may say so myself).
1 medium red or white onion
2 medium carrots
half butternut squash
1 can of chickpeas
1 red pepper
Tomato puree
Tomato pulp
1 tin coconut milk
Curry powder
Cardamon pods (optional)
1 piri piri or red chilli
The first task is to chop all the vegetables into cubes or slices (the way you like them best); then the onion, garlic and ginger thinly chopped.
Fry the last 3 in a couple of spoons of vegetable oil (or a very mild olive oil). Next add the carrots and the butternut squash and let it cook for a bit. Now add the tomato puree and the pulp - 3 or 4 spoon full - add the coconut milk and a very generous spoon of curry powder. I always add a sprinkle more later on to taste afterwards to taste ( i don't like my curry too creamy).
Add the piri piri (or chilli), the cardamon and the cloves as well as the chikpeas. I leave the red pepper for last as it cooks the quickest. My dad taught me a trick which I don't really know if it's an african thing, but he adds a little bit of red wine vinegar in the curry... I do too and i think it makes it slightly sharper.
I let all the vegetables boil together for about 15-20 minutes and then serve.
I usually serve it with rice and add a few cloves to give the rice some spice.
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