Marinate the chicken with a sprinkle of olive oil, a couple of tea spoons of 5 spice mix, a couple of garlic cloves and a couple of slices of fresh ginger.
Cover the bowl and leave it in the fridge for a couple of hours.
For the polenta:
Grate 100 gr of cheddar cheese, then chop a hand full of rosemary and a couple of cloves of garlic and one piri piri (or chilli).
Gently fry the rosemary, garlic and piri piri and leave on the side.
Boil 800ml of water in a pan and add 150 gr of polenta. Stir continuously for 4-5 minutes then add the cheese and the olive oil/rosemary/garlic/piri piri mix. Stir all together and take out of the hobb. place the polenta on a plate and let it cool down for 30 minutes.
Once the polenta has cooled down, it looks like a cake. Slice the polenta gently into strips and fry as you would do with potato chips.
While you're frying the polenta chips, grill the chicken and voila, your meal is ready! I like a sprinkle of lemon juice on my chicken.
Polenta Claudine brought for me from Italy
Polenta cooling down looks like a cake. You can eat it as it is in this picture.
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