Friday, 18 April 2014

Happy Easter - Hot Cross Buns with marzipan

My memories of Easter are very simple - on good friday we couldn't eat meat... and my mum always made fish... very nice fish baked in the oven with roasted potatoes... this was in Portugal... most people would eat "Folar" which is a sweet bread with boiled eggs in the middle... very tasty but really the star was the easter chocolate egg! And chocolate coated almonds... oh yeah!
When I moved to london, 8 years ago, I had never tried a hot cross bun before... i think the first time I ate them was when my sister came to spend Easter with me on my first year in London.
We just thought they were sold all year around...
Last year, I tried to make them... but instead I had these horrible, tasteless, rock hard "things". I have been baking a lot in the past year so I thought it would be a good idea to redeem myself from last year's disaster and try again. I picked a recipe from this month's Waitrose Magazine, Hot Cross Buns with marzipan.
They aren't gluten free, so I haven't tasted them, but I was assured they were a good effort, so here they are! If anyone has a gluten free recipe, please send it my way! Last week I tried to make gluten free brioche but it was inedible... still a way to go...but that's another post...

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