Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Sweet potato, red pepper and bulgar salad with grilled salmon

This is a very recent recipe that i added to my repertoire.
Just thinking of it makes me salivate!
The first time I came across bulgar was at "Browns of Brockley" a cafe by Brockley's Station (London). They do an amazing bulgar, sweet potato and roasted tomato salad. I had never ever heard of bulgar before, but a little search at sainsbury's and I found it - 500g for £1!!! Oh that's a good one for my cheap and cheerful!
Click here for more information on Bulgar.
Chop 2 medium sized sweet potatoes in cubes and put on a tray with a splash of olive oil.
Slice  2 red peppers and add to the tray. Season with sea salt and pepper.
The potatoes take about 40 minutes to cook, so add the peppers 30 minutes after the potatoes.
On a pan, add to one cup of bulgar, 2 cups of water. Bulgar cooks just like rice, so just add a little sea salt and let it cook for about 10 minutes.
The salmon, i like it very simple: just seasoned with rock salt and pepper and grill as you would normally do.
The combination of this warm salad and the salmon is absolutely heavenly! Try it and let me know!

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