Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Lazy loaf - casserole bread

I get nervous every time someone suggests i bake some bread or any type bun... i have  a great fear of yeast... many bad attempts of baking bread made me feel.. uneasy...
The idea of baking fresh loafs of bread is a great one, but i need to make a few simple attempts before going to other more complicated loafs...
So, i was given this recipe to try... first reaction (run away) "i have to bak bread!!!!!", how can i get away?? I started reading the recipe... "ready in 30 minutes"...hm... i see.
Indeed, this soda bread was ready in 30 minutes and smelled amazing!!!! The recipe needed wheat flour, so I personally didn't try it, but was told it was AMAZING!
For a home cook like me this is perfect! Can you believe, you can make fresh bread when your friends come around for dinner? Or for your kids' packed lunch? Or your own lunch?
What i loved the most in this recipe is that you bake the loaf inside a CASSEROLE!!!!
Please please try this! Click here for the recipe.
Mine looked like this... yum!

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